Greek life part 2- negatives

So I know you’re on the edge of your seat waiting to hear my negatives about Greek life, so here it is! 

The negatives and the positives of Greek life are probably equal and therefore, many people are indifferent about Greek Life. I, for one, could not imagine my life without my sisters. But to be honest I feel like Greek life for guys is a TOTAL joke. 


1. They are disgusting – has anyone ever vacuumed? seriously. When was the house built? in the 50’s? Because it seriously doesn’t looked like you’ve cleaned since then. I have been in my fair share of fraternities and each and every time you have the faint smell of mildew covered up by piss and vomit, oh, and don’t forget that everlasting smell of beer. 

2. What exactly is “brotherhood”? They always try and play the card, it’s the same as “sisterhood”… well in actuality we do much more together than get drunk into oblivion together. Like seriously… the “brotherhood events” are encircled around half gallons of Potter’s vodka (the real classy frat bros go with Burnett’s.. I just threw up in my mouth a little) or Barb rum and getting locked in rooms until everyone has finished each and every drop. They can’t even leave to pee!! They literally pee in canisters… which goes back to number one… disgusting. (I know this is just one fraternity that I know of, but still it paints the general picture of “brotherhood”).

3. How does a fraternity benefit your dating life? Well it totally doesn’t. You have sororistitutes (yes, that is a common word in the Greek community) coming and going at all hours – how does your girlfriend feel about that?, people getting roofied at the frat parties – does that make your girlfriend feel safe?, and let’s not forget about the “brotherhood” aspect of it – does your girlfriend really need to be dating your brothers and you? Seriously. Grow the fuck up. *Dating in Greek Life will be an entire post in itself. There is just too much to say about it.*

4. Honestly, how does your mother feel about you being part of something that you are titled a “frat bro” on the daily? Does it make you feel masculine to know that people wish they were as “fratty” as you? How about wearing a shirt that says, “Does this shirt make me look frat”? Really?…. like REALLY? 

5. Formal. (and/or other dances/trips). I can literally write so much about these. *It will be my next post.*

I know it may sound like I am being super critical and harsh on fraternities, but being immersed in their world from being in a sorority AND dating my fair share of frat bros, I feel like I have been well versed in their lifestyles. I am in no way saying every guy that is in a fraternity is an automatic douche bag, but the majority of them are. For sure. Hide yo wives, hide yo kids…. these boys can be oober charming when they want to be. Don’t fall for it!! The majority of the time it’s a total facade. 

What is your opinion on Greek Life? Negative or positive? 

Stay Tuned for more Greek life posts! 



Not A Typical Blonde


Greek Life part 1 – positives



We compete to see which house is prettiest, which house can drink the most, which house has the best grades… it’s all in this magical world that non-greeks, aka GDI’s, have no idea anything about. 

Most GDI’s would categorize Greek life for being superficial and paying for friendships, but what they lack is the understanding of the Greek community. Yeah, we party too much, yeah, we probably drink far too often and yeah, we date other Greeks and hook up with other Greeks on a the daily. 

Soo… why would you ever want to be in Greek life? 

Let me give you a run down of the top reasons I decided to join Greek life: 

1. Legally Blonde – who doesn’t want to be Elle Woods?

2. Connections I would have after college to get a job. Did you know Greeks are 33% more successful than non-Greek upon graduation?

3. To build relationships. Yes, you can be friends with your roommate from freshman year in the dorms all four years, but where do you gain the understanding of what it means to have a Big or even better, a Little? Someone so close to you, you are basically family. 

4. To learn to live with people I don’t care for. This was probably the biggest battle while living in the house. You have to learn to cope with all different personality types and get along for an entire year. That takes patience to a whole new level. 

5. Community. While I was part of greek life, I felt like I knew EVERYONE on campus. I would run into people all the time and 95% of the time it was Greeks. We party together, we study together, we are philanthropic together and we all support each other at the end of the day. 


These are my top five reasons for joining and loving my years in my sorority. There was many incidents in our Greek community, deaths of individuals being a major one. Each and every time it was the most moving experience. To know that 1000+ people could come together and walk through Greek row holding candles in the night in honor of one Greek member is just one example of why I know joining Greek life was one of the best decisions I have ever made. 


Don’t get me wrong… I know Greek life has a bad rap, but no one ever looks at it as a positive thing. There are many negatives which I will be writing about in my next post. 


Stay Tuned!! 



Not A Typical Blonde